The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
© Nicolas Axelrod / Ruom / WWF-Greater Mekong
Public awareness on illegal wildlife trafficking
Knowledge is power, and by sharing information about the issue of wildlife trafficking to as many people as possible, we engage more potential wildlife advocates to combat illegal wildlife trade in all professions and industries.
In particular, the youth are catalysts to creating a future free of wildlife crime.
© WWF-Greater Mekong
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โครงการต่อต้านการค้าการค้าสัตว์ป่าผิดกฎหมาย - และสิ่้งที่ WWF ได้ดำเนินการWhat WWF is doing
To initiate a broad-scale education project on illegal wildlife trade, WWF has:
- Launched the first ever illegal wildlife trade education resources for primary and secondary schools in Asia in English and Chinese, providing curriculum-aligned materials to educate young people on wildlife conservation, and making them publicly available
- Published a new study on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) alternatives for CITES-listed species in August 2024, promoting sustainable substitutes for endangered species used in TCM
- Successfully advocated for Hong Kong officially included IWT under the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance (OSCO), strengthening legal enforcement against traffickers operating in the region